
How To Create Shortcut Android Studio In Ubuntu

Unlike windows operating system, to create a desktop shortcut or launcher menu shortcut its difficult.But there are different ways in Ubuntu to create Android Studio IDE shortcut either from desktop, terminal, or startup launcher in Ubuntu. This will be convenient to open Android Studio instead of navigating to the bin folder of the android studio and hitting the icon. In this article we are going to discuss different methods to create Android Studio launcher in Ubuntu.

Create shortcut through bashrc

bashrc is an interactive shell script command files. This file will have list of the commands, for these commands we can create alias names for it. Later you can run these commands from the terminal by executing alias name. Certainly, we get the path of the android studio's .sh file. Usually this file is present in the bin folder of the android studio folder in Ubuntu. For instance this is the path of my android studio's .sh file.


After getting the path of your file, open .bashrc file with an editor of your choice. I'm opening it with gedit.

gedit ~/.bashrc

In the third step of this method, add the path of you file at the bottom of the .bashrc file. I have named alias as studio.

# open android studio from terminal alias studio='/home/dell/Development/android-ide/android-studio/bin/'

In the final step of this method, you need to reload the bashrc file. Unless you don't reload the bashrc file you won't be able to start android studio from the terminal.

source ~/.bashrc

Now just type studio in the terminal – Android studio will be launched for you.

terminal studio command

Create Desktop Shortcut

In this method we need to create .desktop file and you can place it either on the desktop or in the .local/share/applications folder. A .desktop file is launcher file with set of commands to launch an application. Please note down the path of your Android Studio's file location. However, to demonstrate here we are going to use previous method's file path of

[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Name=Android Studio Exec=bash -i "/home/dell/Development/android-ide/android-studio/bin/" %f Icon=/home/dell/Development/android-ide/android-studio/bin/studio.png Categories=Development;IDE; Terminal=false StartupNotify=true StartupWMClass=jetbrains-android-studio Name[en_GB]=android-studio.desktop

Save the above file with android-studio.desktop on the desktop at ~/Desktop path. Then you have to make file executable with the follwing command.

cd ~/Desktop && chmod a+x android-studio.desktop
Create a system menu launcher

In order to launch the Android Studio from the system menu just save the android-studio.desktop file in '~/.local/share/applications' location and make the file executable with chmod command. Later on you can launch Android Studio from the start up menu.

android studio desktop icon

Create Shortcut from Android Studio

This is the final method in this article, this method is also very simple to create Android Studio launcher shortcut from the Android Studio itself. Open the Android Studio by hitting on the file in the android-studio folder. Next navigate to Tools and hit on the Create Desktop Entry to create Android Studio's launcher shortcut in the system menu.


Here we have discussed 3 methods to create Android Studio shortcut in Ubuntu. You can use any of the the methods of your convenience.

How To Create Shortcut Android Studio In Ubuntu


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